Woodwork – Contact Form 7 – Google ReCaptcha

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  • #2424
    CTE – Agile

    After painfully trouble shooting I have found out that the Woodwork Pro theme is causing issues with using contact form 7 and Google ReCaptcha.

    Woodwork Pro and Contact form 7 will work without Recaptcha but it will not work with Recaptcha enabled. When I enable Recaptcha and change the theme to the default WP theme it works fine. So the issue is with the theme and Recaptcha.

    Can you provide a fix for this as I get spam if I don’t use Recaptcha.




    Kindly send your site URL and the login details to our support email team so we can check and get back to you.

    Thank You

    CTE – Agile

    Sorry I am not comfortable providing my login credentials for my domain and hosting.

    Are you saying that your themes work with Contact Form 7 and Google ReCaptcha? Adding Google ReCaptcha is very simple and straight forward so it is very easy to try and replicate. It is obvious the issue lies with your theme as it works with the default WP themes without any issues. I simply change the theme with google recaptach enabled and the forms work, switch back to your theme and it doesn’t.



    Its ok but we need to check why it is not working so you can atleast send us the site URL so we will check.

    Thank You

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