Upgrade from Capture Light

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  • #2552
    Bob Hoffman

    I bought Capture pro. When I activate Capture Pro, the website reverts to all defaults. Is there anyway to import all the customization from Capture Light to Capture Pro?

    Bob Hoffman

    Okay – played with it, and when I refreshed the home page everything came up.
    When I activated the theme, it reverted back to the default… the pro theme does not seem to be working.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Bob Hoffman.
    Bob Hoffman

    Found the Theme Options when I went live, and walked through it. There should be a better way to go from light to pro.

    Have some issues, will see if I can work through them without bothering you more.


    Sure, Let us know if you need any help.

    Bob Hoffman

    Okay – a couple of problems.
    On Capture light I have two “widgets” that do not show up when I go to edit widgets in the sidebar.
    Archives and Meta

    When I go to Capture pro, with a blue background I get a white bar on the top of each page where the widgets would show up.

    If I add a widget on the Capture Pro, it simply enlarges the white bar with no widgets showing up.

    Secondly, gifs and some code on pages (Facebook logo and a flag counter) show up normal size on Capture Light, but are grotesquely enlarged on Capture Pro.

    Lastly, the site identity information shows up in the header on Capture light, but does not show up on Capture Pro



    The archive and meta in the lite version are coming from the sidebar.php file and those are the default text of lite version.
    In pro version you can use the widgets by go to Appearance >> Widgets.

    For social icons size please send us the site URL so we can resize it.

    The site identity not showing on pro version because it shows the logo. Once you remove the logo from theme options the site identity text is visible.

    Thank You

    Bob Hoffman

    Got a widget working, could never get the social icon widget to work. Two things I have a problem with… if you do not define widgets you get the blank white bar in its place. I have also noticed that I cannot take out all the sliders. If I do that, I get a huge blank space where the slider would be. Have worked around that with a default slider. Also, even though I only have two sliders defined, four are showing up. They are duplicates of the two without the text, just pictures.

    Okay, I don’t understand why a jpg or gif file, which has a defined size is enlarged, but… it is not quite as large in the footer, but still around 4-5 times of the file. Also the visitors counter is probably 2-3 times larger than it should be. Both are in footers now. The url is https://tbaptist.org/.



    Go to Appearance >> Editor >> style.css >> line no 23 >> Here you can remove width:100%;

    Thank You

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